Harris Lake Results

The North Carolina Bass Federation – Team Trail Tournament on Sharron Harris Lake

Full Results Here

Sharron Harris – Ahhhhhh, the opportunity to catch the fish of a lifetime on every cast.
The weather was unusually cool and crisp with the lake up about 2 feet and cooler water temperatures than normal greeted the 34 anglers Saturday morning. After a word of prayer and the National Anthem our competitors took off to see what the day would hold. Friday’s practice showed so much promise with a 10+ caught and released along with multiple 7- and 8-pound fish. The infamous slot was the catch word for the day for most of our anglers. Everyone without exception caught lots of big 16” to 19-5/16” Harris bass.
Fun, Fun, Fun and frustrating. It was predicted that it would take 30+ pounds to win the event and that’s just where our winners landed with a 30.12-pound sack of fish. Jeremy Sullivan and Dane Butler from Elite Fishing from Wilmington came up and showed everyone just what Harris can produce, winning both 1st place team and 2nd big fish (7.94 pounds) taking home close to $1,100. Our 2nd place team came out from Fayetteville Bassmasters and brought 20.09 to the scales. Congratulations to Mike Boahan and his partner Mike Griffin with a spectacular day. Our 3rd place team of Tony Monaco and Steve Gardner – The Furious Hawg Snatchers – caught the big fish of the day weighing in at 8.26 pounds and having a total weight of 18.54 pounds. They went home with $790. Great Job guys. Our tiny fish award of $25 went to the new state tiny fish record of .08 – that’s right the father/son team of Randy and Travis Young brought that whopper to the scales for the $25 win and to start off our raffle. We gave out over $600 in raffle prizes this weekend and had loads of fun eating fried chicken supplied by Melissa and Zoe Huffman to all our fishermen during the weigh in. I would like to thank everyone who helped with the weigh in and tent set up and break down. Great job to everyone who competed – I personally saw a 10+ pound fish lost at our boat on Saturday – ouch – and heard from two other boats with similar lost monsters. Harris fished tougher than Friday’s practice but still produced quality fish worth fishing for. Come check out our next tournament and be a part of something special.h