Badin Lake Results

Interesting day on Badin lake, from sunny and mid 90 degree temps during practice to 70s , overcast, windy and rainy on tournament day. This major cold front changed the patterns for many anglers making it very tough for many but turned out to be awesome for a few. A lot of small bass were caught but the big ones were hiding in those special places that only a few were able to figure out.
Congrats to VICTOR CUEVAS and MICHAEL GOODWIN, they took first place with a gross weight of 17.21lbs, Right behind them for 2nd place was JUSTIN MCBRAYER and SHAWN COLLINS with 14.36lbs and following up with 3rd place MIKE MARION and ROBERT GRISWOLD with 13.97 lbs.

Victor and Michael also had the big fish weighing 5.28 lbs

see the full results here